The Tiny Wine Rack has a footprint of 7 1/2" x 11" and it's 8 3/4" high. It's constructed with padauk (pah-DOOK or pah-DAWK, depending on where you look.) You might choose to use mahogany or maybe a lighter colored wood.
Only four pieces of padauk are used, plus two pieces of 1/8" plywood. The plywood forms splines that secure the shelf to the sides.
Glue is used to secure the shelf to the sides. Screws and optional 18-gauge nails secure the sides to the base.
The curved areas on the shelf and base are coves that are cut on a table saw. The free downloadable instructions, drawings, and pictures include details about cutting the coves. If you're comfortable using a table saw, then you can easily cut the coves. Each cove is 1/4" deep and 3" wide.
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The picture below shows all the pieces. The finish was applied to each piece before the rack was assembled. The areas near the dados are a different color because they were taped off before the finish was applied.

The shelf is shown below with one of the plywood splines inserted into one of the dados. Notice that the dado is cut slightly longer than the spline so there is room to move the shelf back and forth in the assembly. This ensures that there can be a good alignment between the ends of the shelf and the sides.

Download Free Plans, Pictures, and Instructions
The ZIP file contains all the pictures, INSTRUCTIONS.PDF file, SketchUp design file Wine_Rack_04_SKETCHUP_VERSION_8.skp, and PDF design file Wine_Rack_04_SKETCHUP_VERSION_8.pdf. BE SURE TO READ THE "INSTRUCTIONS.PDF" FILE that's included in the ZIP file.