Bangkok's famous floating marketplace is unique. People come here as to any other marketplace to buy and sell foods, fabrics, and other goods. But here, of course, everything is done on boats. The marketplace is a branch off of the Chao Phraya River. These few images from 1969 do not do justice to this very interesting place.

A lot of activity can be seen at this spot in the marketplace.
A Typical Storefront

Lush Vegetation Nearby

A closer view of the boats and a store along the shore. Try to notice the engine at the back of this man's boat.

A Typical Boat Engine
The use of these large engines was common on the boats of the marketplace. They appear to be refitted automobile engines having way more power than is needed on such small boats. It's not clear here, but the propeller shafts on these contraptions are maybe 10 or 15 feet long.

The people who live along the river are as watchable as the commerce on the river. Here you can see two things of interest. First, notice the toddler. He is wearing only a T-shirt. The babies in Thailand typically wore no diapers, no pants, and no shoes. If they wore anything at all, it was a T-shirt. Second, notice the old man bending toward the water. He is rinsing his toothbrush! This picture was taken fairly early in the morning and the old man has just finished brushing his teeth using, presumably, the same toothbrush that he rinsed out in this filthy water yesterday.

A Silk Loom
Thai silk is being made on a hand loom.
Houses Along the Shore

The Chao Phraya River