The Table Saw Crosscut Sled is an important addition to any woodshop that has a table saw. Use the sled to cut accurate right angles on larger panels or use it to cut smaller pieces with ease and relative safety. It’s constructed with 1/2” and 3/4” plywood and two commercially available guide rails
The downloadable Design Drawings and Instructions explain how to align the fence of the sled to make an accurate 90° cut with the saw's blade.
A blade guard enhances safety to help you avoid danger to your fingers and hands.
Key Design Features of the Table Saw Crosscut Sled
- Simple design that’s easy to build
- The Base is 30” wide by about 19” deep
- Able to make square cuts up to 16” long
- The 24” long aluminum guide rails extend ahead of the sled to engage your saw’s miter slots and align the sled well before any workpiece reaches the blade
- The rear fence is 5” high in the center but just 2 1/2” high elsewhere to enable easy use of stop blocks secured by clamps
- Two large holes are drilled in the base to make the sled easy to store away on hooks
The Blade Guard

The Blade Guard is an important safety feature of the Crosscut Sled. It is absolutely imperative that you install and use the Blade Guard! This one is constructed using 3/4" plywood pieces that are simply glued against the Rear Fence of the Crosscut Sled. KEEP YOUR HANDS OUTSIDE OF THE SLED AND AWAY FROM THE BLADE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPERATE THE TABLE SAW AND SLED WITHOUT A BLADE GUARD!
Download Free Plans, Pictures, and Instructions
The ZIP file contains Instruction file "INSTRUCTIONS_Table_Saw_Crosscut_Sled_Rev_1.pdf", pictures, SketchUp design file "Sled_07_SKETCHUP_VERSION_8.skp", and PDF design file "Sled_07_SKETCHUP_VERSION_8.pdf". The PDF file contains all the drawings and dimensional information that are in the SKP file for those who don't use SketchUp. The Instructions file also contains links for the aluminum guide rails and optional rails: