The sides of the Napkin Holder are 10" long by 4 1/4" high. The total width is 7 3/4". It's constructed with 3/8" walnut. You might choose to use a different type of wood but the walnut looks nice under several coats of food-safe clear shellac.
Only four pieces of walnut are used: 2 sides, a back, and a base. The back and base are captured in 1/8" deep by 3/8" wide dados cut into the sides.
All corners are given a nice 1/4" radius. All edges are given a 1/8" round-over.
A 1 1/2" hole on each side give the unit a lighter appearance.
Glue is used to secure the back and base to the sides. No screws or nails are used.
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The free download includes 1-to-1 patterns to facilitate the layout and cutting of the dados in the two sides.

Download Free Plans, Pictures, and Instructions
The ZIP file contains all the pictures, INSTRUCTIONS_Napkin_Holder.pdf file, SketchUp design file Napkin_Holder_14_SKETCHUP_VERSION_8.skp, and PDF design file Napkin_Holder_14_SKETCHUP_VERSION_8.pdf. BE SURE TO READ THE "INSTRUCTIONS_Napkin_Holder.PDF" FILE that's included in the ZIP file.